In November 2021, the STEP project has completed the training course on analyzing and interpretation 22 output reports of the People’s Credit Fund Network Reporting Management Information System (PRMS) for the Head office and 32 branches of the Co-opBank of Vietnam (CBV). The 8 training sessions have been delivered to nearly 400 participants by both on-site training (for the Head office) and online training (for branches).
The main purpose of the training is to strengthen and enhance the analytical capabilities of users at CBV so that they can accomplish the task of monitoring and ensuring the safety of the PCF network. The evaluation of the key performance indicators of PCFs including gender assessments is very important to make strategic decisions and navigate the development of PCFs.
After the training, the CBV management and officials can fully exploit the output reports of the PRMS system. It will help to identify and monitor risks arising from PCFs more effectively, thereby providing their training and consultation to PCF end users.
The PCFs will soon be able to access the PRMS to manage and monitor their own risk more proactively. As a result, PCFs can improve their financial situations, internal control activities and hence better play the role of community support and poverty alleviation.
The STEP project will accompany the CBV and PCFs in the process of upgrading and supplementing the PRMS as well as developing training materials to ensure and further enhance the efficiency of the PRMS exploitation.