On Dember 17th, under the support of STEP project, Quynh Hau PCF in Nghe An province organized the Women Clients Event with participants of nearly 100 women within the Quynh Hoa commune. The main purpose of this event is for Quynh Hau PCF to approach potential women clients, introduce the new product and attract new members by showing the participants benefits of being a member of the PCF. Secondly, to help rural women build up their financial confidence and independence. The final goal is to support Quynh Hau PCF in being familiar with providing non-financial activities for clientele (knowledge, skills, networking…), and building capacity for actively deploying similar activities in the future.

During the discussion panel, 2 members of the PCF shared their success stories on managing finance and developing their business with support from the PCF. Ms. Hang shared: “When thinking about having a loan for the first time, I was worried about all procedures and if I could use the credit effectively to pay off my debt. Thanks to my neighbors, I knew about PCF Quynh Hau and was supported with advice

day will be confident that we can manage finance as well as our businesses.”

As Head of the Women Union of Commune, Ms. Hien is grateful that the PCF wants to help the families of the commune, many households have limited income, but they have the determination to diversify their activities to increase their livelihood. “Quynh Hau PCF has adapted its products and services with smaller loans without collateral. Together with the Women’s Union, we will help improve the quality of life of the households in the community”

Furthermore, Ms. Huong, a participant shared “thanks to the PCF for this new product, I will not need to wait after her husband who is the owner of the land to have access to credit. I will be more independent and be able to manage my finance in my own way.” At the end of the event, nearly 70% of participants like her had registered to

and a quick process to get my first loan”. Ms. Thu Huong inspired: “A woman is a person who handles finance in a family. A household needs to have a woman to develop its business. If a woman doesn’t dare to work, nor overcome difficulties to work as she dreams, nothing will be done. Therefore, I hope that all women participants to

be members of the PCF.

The success of this event at Quynh Hau PCF has inspired and encouraged other PCFs to replicate this activity in their area to better serve their people within their commune which fits with their vision and mission of a financial cooperative institution

and contributes toward the financial inclusion strategy. PCFs like Phu Thanh and Nghia Thai in Nghe An province who had also attended this event as observers have learnt from the experiences of Quynh Hau PCF and planning to organize similar events in the future.

#WomenEntrepreneurs #ProductsandServices #GenderEquality #Peoplescreditfund #CustomerEvent #FinancialEducation